Create A Professional
demo reel from YOUR Existing footage

85% of our clients find an agent or book a major role within the first three months of receiving their demo reel.

A professional acting reel is your key to landing your next role

A professional demo reel could make a huge impact on your career by helping you book roles and representation. Investing in a polished, professionally-produced demo reel is one of the most valuable career tools you can utilize.

It immediately conveys legitimacy, versatility, and an undeniable "I'm ready for the big time" factor that DIY reels simply cannot match. For any actor seriously pursuing bigger roles and representation, a great reel is an indispensable marketing cornerstone.

Post-Production Packages
The Sizzle

Up to 1 minute runtime

Featuring 1–2 projects

Comprehensive editing

Color enhancement

Sound design and cleanup

Designed Title Card

Royalty-free musicbed selection

2 rounds of revisions for fine-tuning

The Pro

Up to 2 minutes runtime

Featuring 3–4 scenes

Comprehensive editing

Color enhancement

Sound design and cleanup

Designed Title Card

Royalty-free musicbed selection

3 rounds of revisions for fine-tuning

The Max

Up to 3 minutes runtime

Featuring 5 or more scenes

Comprehensive editing

Color enhancement

Sound design and cleanup

Designed Title Card

Royalty-free musicbed selection

4 rounds of revisions for fine-tuning

Demo Reel Editing SAMPLES

6 Reasons Why you should edit with Acting REEl with Showreels

  • Lost in the Noise

    In a wildly competitive marketplace like New York City, you need every possible edge to stand out from the massive pool of talent. Without a dynamic, high-quality reel that grabs attention right away, it's extremely difficult to differentiate yourself. A strong reel is your best marketing tool to make a powerful first impression.

  • Amateur Representation

    If your reel looks unprofessional and poorly edited with basic software, it can actually hurt you more than not having one at all. It sends the message that you aren't seriously committed to your craft. Agents and casting directors make split-second judgments - an amateur-looking reel may portray you as an amateur yourself.

  • Missed Opportunities

    Without a high-quality demo reel showcasing your best work, you are severely limiting your opportunities. Casting directors and agents often won't even consider you without viewing your reel first. This means you are automatically disqualified from prime roles simply by not having a reel, or having a self-made reel.

  • The Pigeon Hole

You may struggle against being cast into limited roles based on your appearance or past work. A reel that strategically showcases your range and depth can combat this. With scenes displaying diverse characters and skills, you can transcend typecasting and open up many more opportunities.

  • Stalled Momentum

    If you haven’t updated your reel in a while, know that an outdated reel may stall your career momentum and misrepresent your growth over time. Regularly updating your reel with new, elevated work is critical.

  • The Career Spiral

    A reel is the driving force behind getting auditions, bookings, representation, and industry buzz. Lack of a quality reel creates a self-perpetuating cycle where you miss out on great roles, thereby lacking new material for your reel, leading to fewer opportunities.

We work closely with you to select your best clips, edit down your scenes, and fine-tune every aspect until you are satisfied with the final result. We offer guidance as we collaborate with you to create a tailor-made demo reel you and your agent feel confident sending.

Our comprehensive services cover every aspect of the reel creation process, from capturing and downloading your footage selection and editing to color enhancement, sound design, and final presentation. We leverage advanced editing techniques, including AI enhancers, color grading, and audio mastering, to elevate the quality of raw footage and ensure a polished final product.

Collaborate with Showreels on a professional reel that you feel confident sending to casting
Ready to book a package?

Our dedicated team is happy to answer all of your questions. Fill out the form and we’ll get back to you within 1-2 business days.

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